The other day I got a very curious email. The subject line read:
Are you the Johanna Fenton who wrote ‘Building tsunami-resilient communities in the United States?’
Why no, I’m not. But why do you ask?
It’s gratifying to know that among the three Johanna Fentons in the world, ONE is tackling the issue of tsunamis. ONE is helping prevent massive devastation and loss of life.
Meanwhile, I’m feeling rather plain and unimportant.
Of course …
Let’s fiddle with the headline. “Building tsunami-resilient hearts in the modern world.”
I’m in the business of hearts. I write to reach people’s hearts. I write to reach my own heart.
I write to bring out my natural resilience, embedded in the stories of my life.
I write to encourage resilience in others.
I write because the water runs deep, and though there may be devastation, nothing is ultimately lost. Instead, I gain ground.
But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.
-Acts 20:24, NLT